Weeknotes 30/09/2018 – Week 4

My exercise and diet regime is going pretty well. Managed to run 5k for the first time since starting. Managed to exercise four days on the trot at 6.30am before work and the kids getting up. Two runs, two kettle bell sessions. Lost 10lbs in 3 weeks.

I have also not had any alcohol for 3 weeks. That ended on Friday with a few lovely beers at the wagon and horses (Buxton’s Salt Edge a massive IPA being a particular highlight). Then went a fantastic Wedding on Saturday at Kelham Island Museum. Lots of embarrassing Dad dancing, myself being the most embarrassing.

Finished watching Bodyguard. Last episode really let it down. Started watching Killing Eve, two episodes in and very promising. Finished reading On Writing by Stephen King which I really enjoyed. Started reading Record of a Space Born Few by Becky Chambers. Loved her first two books so high hopes for this one.

Work wise a few big projects are nearing completion which will make space for some more good things to get built. We had a great show and tell to demo some new work. Show and tells not the norm yet but we are getting there and we have another one next week too, always great to hear from different voices in the company about their work.

We had a day of usabilty testing on Wednesday. Fantastic watching people use our new interfaces. So revealing and quite draining. A big piece of design around payments was very well received which I was really happy about. I was especially pleased for the person who designed it as she has done something quite different and I am so glad it has worked out. We found a few dead ends that we had missed and they will be getting unblocked next week.

First weeknote I have done fully on my phone. Written and published in just 15 mins. No excuse for not writing stuff at all. Must do more.

Weeknotes 23/09/2018 – Week 3

Started running again. Slow crawl back to 5k and then the slower longer crawl to 21k for the Sheffield Half Marathon in April. Running 3 times a week is all that is needed and hopefully I can stick with that habit.

On Wednesday I went to my first UX Sheffield event. The speaker was Ralf Mollich. He spoke about the ethics of UX, dark patterns, political challenges, dilemmas of the soul and the risks of speaking up. OK but a little on the short side.

Two design events in a week. On Friday I went to the future of service design event at the London College of Communication. This was not in the short side thankfully. Excellent event that mixed professional speakers with students studying Service Design. Highlights were Gustavo Burnier, J. Paul Neeley and Lauren Currie.

The fine teams at work got some things live that had been worked on for a few weeks now. That was nice. Next week we are due to kick off a couple of chunky programmes of work. Delivery teams are forming and it will be the first time I am part of something like this. We have a decent list of things we want to do (and I have an even bigger list in my head). Hard to not just want these teams to do my bidding and I am trying to be all agile about it but damn it is difficult. Joking aside what I am really looking forward to is a team of people building stuff together. Our ideas, our processes, our mistakes and our successes.

Weeknotes 16/09/18 – Week 2

Monday started with my latest attempt at losing weight after an unhealthy 18 months or so, well and unhealthy adult life to be honest. The weighing scales chastised me once again, although the warning signs of my belt fast running out of notches had prepared me for the worst.

I am now on a low carb diet along with my wife and I. I am supplementing the diet with some exercise as well. I have done three kettle bell workouts this week as my legs were too stiff from football at the weekend. Running starts Monday. I am signed up for the Sheffield Half Marathon in April next year. My goals are to get back to 5k by the end of September. 10k by the end of November. Might give running to work a go somewhere in between those dates (roughly 8k). Again another habit that I have rarely managed to make stick longer than about a month at a time without it tailing off. Also off the booze for a few weeks until a friends wedding on the 29th of September. If I write it on a blog post no one reads will it still pressure me to stick to all these goals?

In less healthy news, I watched ITV’s John Simm vehicle Strangers. Very poor (just like the the last ITV vehicle for John Simm). Interesting premise and having it set in in Hong Kong added some colour to the drab plot but the script is very clunky and moves from each obvious revelation to the next without any sort of surprise or tension. After watching Ozark this felt even worse.

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean five with my youngest son. It was pretty bad. The silent cameo by Kiera Knightley spoke volumes about hers and everyone else’s reasons for doing yet another sequel.

I paid my first visit to Hillsborough on Saturday. We started dreadfully and Stoke looked like they would score 5 or 6 after the first 20 minutes. Thankfully we scored before halftime and set up an interesting second half that I was certain we would fail to score in. My negativity was once again proved wrong and a delightful freekick by Barry Bannan cheered me greatly. Football is a stressful thing to watch though. Glad I can’t afford to go week in week out anymore.

Working week. Finally got a new product manager in the team after a few months of recruitment challenges. We are now a team of 3 (after the departure of one of the team on maternity leave) and I am trying to work out how to balance the work best for all as we look to deliver but also develop the team (and organisation). We are also all new to formal product management but all have relevant backgrounds. Looking froward to seeing how things pan out with new skill sets in the organisation and a team to define.

The sprints I mentioned last week were going so well but we hit a couple of little bumps which meant we missed the delivery by the Friday. Release to be done Monday instead. More practice needed with sizing and working to these tighter timelines. The way the team is forming and working together is great to see.

I had my first annual appraisal, which went well. Still a horrible process of form filling in though. I am not sure there will ever be a good process for me as these things always involve you writing about yourself and justifying who you are and what you do (or don’t do).

Highlight of the working week was the fact we held ten customer interviews on the subject of how they managed their money. I say ten…we had a 50% drop out rate which was very frustrating and gives us something to think about for the future. We will review how we recruit, reward and communicate with people who are willing to give their time.

The interviews that did go ahead were brilliant. All fascinating, all revealing of new things that we had not thought about, reinforced other ideas and just made me want to do far more as we need to far better understand our customers. Next week will be all about turning those golden insights into needs etc. and feeding those into a few strands of work that are starting later next week all being well.

Weeknotes 09/09/18 – Week 1

There has been a resurgence in weeknotes amongst a group of people I follow on the web, probably due to Matt’s excellent post on the subject and the creeping dread that is Twitter and social addiction and nostalgia. Going to give it a whirl to see if I can stick with it as a habit. Chances are I will manage it for a few weeks then abandon it like so many of my other half formed habits. Maybe writing these things will help with my positive mental outlook on life too.

This week was back to school week for my two boys. Year 1 and 4. A sickness bug meant the youngest missed his first day and that mum and dad were also ill later into week.

Went out for lovrly drinks in Kelham island with an ex-colleague from HSBC who was leaving after 18(?) or so years. Visited a new bar (well more restaurant) called Piña. It was ok but we were there a little late and it was starting to close for the evening. The Riverside and The Old Workshop also got a visit and were as excellent as usual, the latter especially had some cracking beers on. Kelham Island is a great part of Sheffield as it continues its transformation from engineering heartland of old into craft ale/gentrification hotspot of new.

I played football Saturday. A group of friends play football once a year on FA Cup Final day as we have four friends with birthdays around that time. We have decided to try and do it more often and the international weekend gave us the first opportunity. Only 7-aside but still far too much exercise for my great lumbering and creaking frame. I hurt my back in the first ten mins and hobbled around while skinnier fitter friends ran past me frequently. We lost 9-7. I can also blame sickness from earlier in the week for my poor showing. I also had to bail on after match drinks (and the England game) due to feeling unwell again. All round loser.

On Sunday we finished Ozark series two which as most people have said is even better than the first. Laura Kinney is exceptional and I suspect she will be winning lots and lots of awards at the turn of the year.

At work we are moving to Scrum from Kanban and it is starting to bear fruit. Looked like we would fail our most recent sprint but some good teamwork and pairing means we should be back on track next week which felt good. A couple of sprints in and the first squad are working really well. Planning to move up to five squads over the next month or so.

Really keen to get a couple of product delivery teams one for mobile and one for web (with some crossover at the backend). The key for me is getting into a tick-tock rhythm of getting things into customers hands on a far more regular basis than we do today. Of equal importance is the sense of ownership from the team, this is ‘our thing’ to build and improve and make work for customers. I know more of the theory of agile than the practise so I am looking forward to getting stuck in and learning more.

Sunday evening will be my week note writing time I think (did not manage to post it until Monday evening mind you). This did not feel too hard but it did not feel too easy either. Habits can be habitch.

Sneakers (1992)

Robert Redford and his team break into banks using some lovely old interfaces both digital and analogue. I bet that today there are still interfaces like this in most banks too. This clip shows the code breaker box in action as they get into the encrypted Federal Reserve. This is just the beginning, Ben Kingsley wants to bring them all down.

Altered Carbon (2018) – Episode 3

Thumb print / DNA based payment and credit limits abound in the TV Adaptation of Richard Morgan’s Trilogy. This sweary little scene features a child buying lollipops and then our heroes putting the seller in his place with their credit limit, which comes as a bit of a shock to him.

Altered Carbon (2018) – Episode 6

One of my favourite futuristic film money examples so far. Mixing in a little bit of American style horror of not being able to pay for medical expenses due to your DNA based credit limit, then someone else being able to angrily pay instead.

Despicable Me (2010)

Beautiful branch design from Despicable Me. Access to the Bank of Evil (formerly Lehman Brothers) is via the toilet, a biometric iris scan is then required to access the banking hall. The design of the pillars is an especially nice touch.

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)

An ATM with a very annoying video advert trying to sell a credit card. Not very futuristic at all to be honest.

Anon (2018)

Netflix on a Black Mirror/Minority Report lite kind of vibe. In mind interface design with a few examples of purchases. One for a hotdog…one for a erm hot date. Frictionless purchase experiences and interfaces a lot of people dream of. The killer in the piece only takes cash apparently although we never see them paid but we do see some coke bought with it. ‘Remember cash?’ Clive Owen moodily muses. While there are still illegal drugs there will still be cash.