One of my team returned from maternity leave this week. It was great to have her back although she was none too happy about all the stuff that was going on when she left that still had not been delivered. Lost in focus, other things taking precedence, only so much resource, other excuses I have not thought of yet.
Did a politically silly thing this week. It was semi successful but with some blow back the full extent of which I am unsure of. Frustration made me do it and I think I did it for the right reasons i.e. to get something moving that is a little stuck (and blocking us doing a lot of the things mentioned in paragraph 1). Some movement on said massive beastly project (not as a result of my silly political thing) but just a speck of light at the end of the metaphorical project tunnel.
Feeling a little detached and out of things as I try to play a little part in making a bigger transition organisation wise to ‘proper agile’. Again feel like I am missing out on other things that maybe I should be focusing on but if we don’t get this change over the line it will be bitty project work for ever more and that just won’t do.
We said goodbye to a much loved, highly skilled and upsettingly young engineer. Lots of beer was drunk. I stayed out too late with people a lot younger than I. It was a good end and now this young man is on to the next phase, of what I suspect will be, an impressive career.
Finished watching Fleabag series 2. It is as good as everyone says. I also binge watched series 2 of The Good Fight (after binge watching series 1 last week). I had put off watching it for a while and I forgot how much I loved The Good Wife. Great telly week.
First running since the half marathon. A little 5.7k that felt horrific. An 8.2k run to work which felt a bit better but still a bit of pain in my knee and hip. New running goals needed for May as I want to get faster. New work goals needed for May as I want to get faster.